Course Readings

Overview of Ethical Frameworks
- A Framework for Making Ethical Decisions
- Aristotelean Ethics
- Confucian Ethics
- Deontological Ethics
- Egoist Ethics
- Epicurean Ethics
- Ethics of Care
- Legalist Ethics
- Stoic Ethics
- Utilitarian Ethics
- Optional: Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching
Codes of Ethics in Computer Science
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Code of Ethics
- Association for Computing Machinery Code of Ethics
- Institute for the Certification of Computing Professionals Code of Ethics
Diversity and Immigration Issues in Technology
- Why Doesn’t Silicon Valley Hire Black Coders?
- Addressing Ethnic Diversity in Computer Science
- Just Because You Always Hear It, Doesn’t Mean It’s True: Gender Difference Explanations For Disparities in Tech Are Not Supported by Science
- Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women?
- The Full 10-Page Anti-Diversity Screed Circulating Internally at Google
- H-1B Specialty Occupations, DOD Cooperative Research and Development Project Workers, and Fashion Models
- Commentary: The H-1B Visa Problem as IEEE-USA Sees It
- Engineers Are Leaving Trump’s America for the Canadian Dream
Corporate Ethical Responsibility
Corporate Personhood
- How Corporations Got The Same Rights As People (But Don’t Ever Go To Jail)
- If Corporations Are People, They Should Act Like It
- Are Google, Amazon and Others Getting Too Big?
- ‘Corporations Are People’ Is Built on an Incredible 19th-Century Lie
- ‘World Without Mind’: How Tech Companies Pose An Existential Threat
Corporate Social Responsibility
- What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
- The Rise of Corporate Social Responsibility
- The Techlash Against Amazon, Facebook and Google — and What They Can Do
- Playing Monopoly: What Zuck Can Learn From Bill Gates
Corporate Malfeasance
IBM and the Nazis
- IBM and the Holocaust
- This is the Hidden Nazi History of IBM - And the Man Who Tried to Expose It
- IBM Statement on Nazi-Era Book and Lawsuit
- IBM Sales to the Nazis: Assessing the Culpability
Muslim Registry
- Muslim Registries, Big Data, and Human Rights
- Tech Workers Pledge to Never Help Trump Build Muslim Registry
- America Already Had a Muslim Registry
- The Lesson America Never Learned from the Internment Camp Precedent
Fight for the Net
Net Neutrality
- A Guide to the Open Internet
- Big Tech to Join Legal Fight Against Net Neutrality Repeal
- Am I The Only Techie Against Net Neutrality?
Echo Chambers
- Who Gets Caught in Online Echo Chambers?
- The Reason Your Feed Became An Echo Chamber — And What To Do About It
Online Censorship
- How Facebook Checks Facts and Polices Hate Speech
- Why We Terminated Daily Stormer
- Deplatforming Conservatives From Social Media
- Good Riddance, Alex Jones: The Year in Deplatforming
Supplementary Readings on the Internet as a Public Utility
- Is Broadband Internet a Public Utility?
- Why American Internet Should Be a Public Utility
- Do Not Make the Internet a Public Utility
Job Automation
- What is McDonaldization?
- A World Without Work
- Foxconn Replaces 60,000 Workers with Robots
- Technology Isn’t Working
Self-Driving Cars
- The Menace and the Promise of Autonomous Vehicles
- Self-Driving Uber Car Kills Pedestrian in Arizona, Where Robots Roam
- Full Tilt: When 100% of Cars Are Autonomous
Supplementary Readings on Job Automation
- This Fast Food CEO Wants to Replace Workers With Robots
- New McDonald’s in Phoenix Run Entirely By Robots
- Automation Arrives at Restaurants (But Don’t Blame Rising Minimum Wages)
- Fast Food Chain Automation
Weapons Development and Warfare
Pervasive Computing
Internet of Things
- The New Age of Surveillance
- The Internet of Things Needs a Code of Ethics
- How a Bunch of Hacked DVR Machines Took Down Twitter and Reddit
Intrusive/Pervasive Advertising
- Why Using an Ad Blocker is Stealing
- What Would Kant Do? Ad Blocking is a Problem, but It’s Ethical
- Welcome to the Age of Privacy Nihilism
- Facebook Knew I Was Gay Before My Family Did
Government Surveillance
- How Much Surveillance Can Democracy Withstand?
- The FBI Could Have Gotten Into the San Bernardino Shooter’s iPhone, But Leadership Didn’t Say That
- American Spies: How We Got to Mass Surveillance Without Even Trying
- The Wiretap Rooms: The NSA’s Hidden Spy Hubs in Eight U.S. Cities
Social Credit Score
- China’s Citizen Tracking System Can Wreck People’s Lives
- China ‘Social Credit’: Beijing Sets Up Huge System
- Algorithms are Taking Over – And Woe Betide Anyone They Class as a ‘Deadbeat’
- Germany Edges Toward Chinese-Style Rating of Citizens
Mission Critical Systems
Mission Critical Systems
- How Challenger Exploded, and Other Mistakes Were Made
- The Worst Computer Bugs in History: The Ariane 5 Disaster
Life Critical Systems
Government Whistleblowing
- The 10 Biggest Revelations From Edward Snowden Leaks
- Last Week Tonight: Government Surveillance (Some Coarse Language)
- Once Reserved For Spies, Espionage Act Now Used Against Suspected Leakers
Corporate Whistleblowing
- Two Auditors Not Entitled to Whistleblower Protection, Court Rules
- An Enemy of the People (Read for Thursday)
Hackers and Piracy
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act
- What Is the DMCA, and Why Does It Take Down Web Pages?
- The History of Software Patents
- EU Study Finds Piracy Doesn’t Hurt Game Sales, May Actually Help
- Goodbye to Piracy
Speculative Issues
- What is Transhumanism, or, What Does it Mean to be Human?
- Transhumanism and the Future of Humanity: 7 Ways the World Will Change by 2030
- A New Generation of Transhumanists Is Emerging
Virtual Reality
Killer Robots
- Rossum’s Universal Robots (R.U.R.) (Read for Thursday)